Scott’s bear blog

My Blaugust introduction

I’m Scott, but you can find me as @rscottjones in many places online. I’m in my mid-40s (gah!) and live in Phoenix, Arizona with my wife.

“He’s the guy that…”

When my friends introduce me to someone I haven’t met before, they tend to lead with one of these things:

→ “He’s the guy that went to all of the national parks—there’s like 400 of them.”

→ “Scott worked in public lands conservation. Or something like that, I’m not entirely sure what that exactly entailed, but he cares a lot about public lands.”

→ “He’s the guy with all the travel quests. I’m not even sure how he comes up with all of them. And some of them are just plain weird.”

→ “Scott is always out on adventures or traveling somewhere. We basically all live vicariously through his posts.”

→ “He’s been to a ton of craft breweries. He pretends to get lost and says he needs to stop in for directions. You should see his untappd.”

And I think those are probably the highlights. One addition might be that since Jan 2020, I was forced into a caregiver role for my dad, who recently passed. I’m still finding my feet after his departure.

With that newfound independence from caregiving, my wife and I are planning an epic 100-day overseas trip coming up this fall, so a lot of my attention right now is focused on getting things ready for that (you can follow along at

Oh, and I guess I do have a number of other projects I’m working on too.

What to expect from me during Blaugust

While I’ve enjoyed a number of blogging challenges this year, I’m not concerned with conquering Blaugust with a post every day. I don’t even have a specific goal I’m aiming towards. Instead, I’m hoping to fill in some gaps in my existing sites and maybe test the waters on some new topics and regular features. I’ll post links to each post at this Blaugust page, no matter which of my sites it lands on.

Speaking of my websites, you can generally find my longer posts at, my public notes at, and shorter posts at, including near-daily photo posts from my previous travels. I also have a dormant Scribbles account I used for WebLogPoMo2024, and may play around a bit with this Bear blog, too.

Anyway, feel free to say hi, either via email or on mastodon. Cheers!