Scott’s bear blog

Re: The Privilege of Optimism

Lou's post on the complexities of optimism in the face of personal and global challenges inspired this little riff on optimism.

Don't apologize for optimism.

It's easy to be awash in despair, constant complaints, and unending concern for the future—especially right now, and especially if you spend too much time on the internet. I'm not sure this serves our cause well.

Do I think that big challenges lie ahead? Oh boy, I sure do. We shouldn't pretend otherwise; you need a clear-eyed view of what you're up against to make the plans necessary to deal with them.

But there's no way we'll meet those without optimism.

Better futures are made by optimists. Social change happens because of optimism that a better future is indeed possible. Better futures require loads of hard work, and the only way to sustain and accomplish that hard work is to believe that it's possible in the first place. It's the only way you get there. We need optimists.

I believe that holds true at the personal level, too.

Be an optimist. Work towards the better future.